Visitation Guidelines – 8/31/21

COVID-19 Update!?? Please share this with family members as soon as possible!

Notification of Exposures (resident & staff) at Valley View Rehab & Nursing Center, Quarantine of units and Visitation is paused!


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 (please disregard visitation guidance in the newsletter mailed today and use this document)

There has been a resident exposed to a Covid positive family member and staff exposure to Covid positive family member. All units except 600 are now a yellow zone and in quarantine through 9-14-21.? Outbreak testing is being completed for all residents and staff.? Please note there are no staff or residents confirmed positive at this time.? The Bistro dining and group activities are paused as well.?

VISITATION IS NOW PAUSED THROUGH SEPTEMBER 14TH. ??Compassionate care visits for those who qualify is acceptable.? These will be handled on a case-by-case basis.? No visitors may go down through the individual nursing units.? ?

Leave of Absences/social outings are paused.? Medical appointments will continue with VVRNC transporting.? Video visits and phone calls can be scheduled.?

The next vaccine clinic is scheduled for Tuesday, September 7, 2021.? We are hopeful that many will take advantage of this important vaccine!?

We will keep you posted.? Thank you for your cooperation.

If you have specific questions, please call 570-433-3161.